
The Complex

Written by Robin Chotzinoff and Jules Ochoa

Produced by Jules Ochoa

The Complex is a genre-bending audio drama set in an apartment building full of fictional adults with ADHD--all of them in therapy with the very real ADHD therapist James Ochoa, who plays himself. Voiced by some of the finest actors in Austin, Texas, The Complex features captivating, creative storylines as well as “afterthoughts” episodes, in which James and his son Jules discuss aspects of ADHD in depth. 

Informed and inspired by James Ochoa’s book - Focused Forward: Navigating the Emotional Storms of Adult ADHD


  • John Brickley as Krispy

  • Marina DeYoe-Pedraza as Amanda

  • Tom Doyal as Bernard

  • Noel Gaulin as Ramon (aka Genius Boy)

  • Jenny Larson as Jessica (season 1)

  • Robin Grace Desoto as Jessica (season 2)

  • Renna Larson as Jade

  • Jules Ochoa as Jules Anthony

  • James Ochoa as himself


“I can’t say enough about how much this podcast series has helped me learn to deal with my ADHD. This is one of maybe three top favorites. It is so well done and so funny, with good sound quality.


“A very clever way to help people who suffer from Adult ADHD to feel less alone. The characters in this podcast really came alive for me.”


“Give it a listen if you even suspect you are one of us. You will most certainly learn something.”


“I listen to multiple podcasts about ADHD and The Complex has been a great change in format and perspective. The serial nature of the storyline was fun to follow and created anticipation for the next episode. I feel pretty knowledgeable about ADHD and I learned new information, new strategies and saw the traits and actions of ADHD in fun yet concrete examples through the characters at the complex. Thanks so much for producing this series, and can we please have a Season 2? I need to know what happens!”

Shiny Shorts

ADHD Storm Stories written by the community

Produced by Jules Ochoa

The Shiny Shorts podcast, a spin-off inspired by the Afterthoughts episodes of The Complex, is a collection of real-life stories told by adults with ADHD. Topics are all over the map--much like ADHD itself! A discussion with James Ochoa follows each episode.

Podcasts Featuring James

Therapist Uncensored Podcast with Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP & Ann Kelley PhD. Two Austin therapists and their world-recognized guest experts break down modern attachment, relational neuroscience and trauma in a challenging but entertaining format designed to keep you off unconscious autopilot and moving towards closer connections.

Phil Phails a TV show about learning about people and failure. It’s a tapestry of learning, woven with threads of naivety and the vibrant colors of experience. Each step is a dance between innocence and wisdom, a transformation that beckons the curious souls to witness the unfolding of a human in bloom.

ADHD Support Talk Radio is an award-winning Podcast for Adults with ADD / ADHD. Co-hosts Tara McGillicuddy and Lynne Edris are joined by Adult ADHD experts and they cover important topics related to Adult ADD / ADHD.

The Growth Enablement Madness Podcast, hosted by BrainSell Founder Jim Ward, offers a go-to source for growth enablement strategies, stories, and technologies.

The Therapists' Therapist with Dr. Bill Whitehead

The HRS Learning Center Speaker Series Speaker Series is a set of annual presentations hosted by the HRS Learning Center. Each event covers topics relevant to families and educators of students with dyslexia or other language-based learning differences, and many recordings are available as a free resource. The Speaker Series is brought to you by the Hamlin Robinson School.

John Howard, MA is a relationship therapist and educator with over 15 years of experience helping people have awesome relationships. He is dedicated to helping spread love in the world by helping people have stronger, healthier relationships. Listen to John and James’ discussion about ways to reduce relational conflict caused by ADHD.

Eric Tivers is a licensed clinical social worker, coach, podcaster, speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur. He specializes in ADHD and has worked extensively with individuals on the Autism Spectrum. He is a master of asking powerful questions and it shows when he interviews James.

ADDitude is a well-renowned magazine, webinar producer, and overall ADHD resource created by New Hope Media. They produced a webinar with James where he explains how to lead a happy, productive life with Emotional Distress Syndrome.

Wealthy Wellthy Podcast with Krisstina Wise

The Anxiety Coaches podcast with Gina Ryan